An Apology from Bunson

Cute search result!

I have done NOTHING to optimize this website for search words and most of my content consists of images! People hardly ever find my website through google or similar thingies… so it’s always interesting to see what search terms do lead people to my website.

It pleases me to no end that someone found my website through the search term “smiley face big toe.” Hello whoever you are or were, I hope you enjoyed my Things Without Arms and Without Legs! I know you’re probably disappointed, I only had one image of a smiley face big toe and that was a creative commons photo you may have already found on flickr. Here’s an adventure of smiley face big toes!

I make a smiley faced toe for you on my hallux (the name given to the Great Toe when dealing with tetrapods).
I make a smiley faced toe for you on my hallux (the name given to the Great Toe when dealing with tetrapods).
Second Toe is unimpressed by Great Toe shenanigans.
Second Toe is unimpressed by Great Toe shenanigans.
Middle Toe is shocked by the development of smiley faces on toughened keratin that sits on top of distal phalanges.
Middle Toe is shocked by the development of smiley faces on toughened keratin that sits on top of distal phalanges.


Ring Toe finds the whole situation hilarious. Ring Toe is a prankster, but we all knew that.
Ring Toe finds the whole situation hilarious. Ring Toe is a prankster, but we all knew that.
Pinky Toe is often confused, but pretends to get the joke. Pinky Toe sometimes gets left behind (owww).
Pinky Toe is often confused, but pretends to get the joke. Pinky Toe sometimes gets left behind (owww).

Bath Time with Bunson and Mayara

Sometimes Bunson gets scared and doesn’t want to have a bath. Lots of people like to hug and kiss him and take him on adventures, so he can get pretty grubby. Maybe he’ll be less reluctant now that he has a friend to go swimming with ^_^. Bunson could find a treasure chest full of carrots and Mayara might wrestle with some giant clams.

I drew this comic in the bath! On special waterproof paper my sweetie gave me for our anniversary.