Chuffles Misses the Moon Page 6

Chuffles Misses the Moon Page 5

Chuffles Misses the Moon Page 4

Chuffles Misses the Moon Page 3

Chuffles Misses the Moon, Page 2

The moon is learning

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 1

Chuffles Misses the Moon, and so it begins

And now in the month of Halloween, of transition and change I give to you Chuffles Misses the Moon. Every week day I’ll put up a fresh page from this children’s picture book I drew. THE FIRST EVER CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK I’VE DRAWN, unless you count the things I did when I was actually a kid.

Drawing something in this format was a new learning experience for me. I’d love any notes or comments you have as the updates go up. I might try self publishing it when it’s done so folks can have something in hand to read to kids (OMG, the idea of something I’ve written being a bedtime story… kinda amazing). If I self publish I’d love you, my dear ones, I’d love your help to turn it up to eleven before we go to print.

Please enjoy, Chuffles Misses the Moon.

Special Request: Fresh Bunson Stencil!

Carving pumpkins for halloween? Try this pumpkin bunson!

There is also last year’s Bunson’ stencil, though that one is a wee bit trickier with half carved stuff for texture!