Comic 130! We made it!

Also, ZOMG. comic 130! Comic 130!!!!!!! I promised I would make 130 comics by June 23 and I did it!

For a bit I was drawing a comic every day and zooming ahead like a machine, then (just as a wise writer told me this was probably not a good long term strategy) my drawing fell over and I did close to nothing for two months. I hoisted myself back into the saddle and with more than a little fear in my eyes I’ve successfully put out one comic every two days.

We have ARRIVED!… but I don’t think we’re there yet, I think we’ll keep going. I think there’s a mountain over there that looks interesting. I think there’s a cardboard box with something scary inside. I think I don’t know what the road ahead looks like, but I’d like you to share it with me and I hope we’ll make some cool discoveries together.

If you have ideas about promotion, merchandise, cool things you’d like to see, please let me know. I’m participating in the Clarion Write-a-thon again this year and hopefully I will have a modest budget for merch and advertising next financial year.

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